Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Platformer Level Design - First Pass

Recently have completed an initial prototype-esque design for the platformer we'll be constructing this semester in Game Design! The level is currently called Doubloon Depths. Why? I'm glad you asked!

The game starts off in a relatively easy area which the player should find themselves comfortable in. After spawning, the player will learn how to move and jump around their surroundings. Not too long into the level will the player encounter their first enemy (likely a gator). An illustration or a sign next to the gator of it being stomped on by a boot may inspire the player to take care of it in a similar fashion. Next, the player is introduced to a moving platform above a spike pit. In order to advance, the player must learn how to jump onto the moving platform to cross the trap. Once the player has accomplished this and is feeling confident, they will advance towards the next area.

Before they enter the cave, there is a gauntlet of moving platforms. This is a bit of a jump in difficulty from the previous challenge, but as long as the player stays patient and persistent, they should be able to make it no problem. Here is also where the first "Challenge Coin" is introduced. Coins are not all that common in this level, and that is for a specific reason: I wanted to make coins truly a reward in the sense that they are often in hard to reach areas or areas which require an extra amount of finesse on the part of the player. That way, when a player does happen to retrieve a challenge coin, they feel particularly good about themselves and their accomplishments, and it drives them to play more. I am also thinking of including a potential special ending for those players which collect all challenge coins in the level.

After walking into the cave, the player will find an elevator with two unlit torches of different colors. To use the elevator, the torches must be lit. The player must then proceed through two different challenges (of which the entrances are color coded) to light the torches and enable the elevator. Each stage uses different elements to produce different challenges for the player. Once each area is completed, the player will step in between two colored blocks to teleport back to the main elevator room where they can take the elevator down to the gold room.

Upon taking the elevator down, it will get close to the entrance to the gold room, then suddenly break and fall into the lava below. There, the elevator will begin to float to the right at a steady pace, as the player is forced to keep up with it or become left behind. If the player makes it past all of the obstacles and completes this unexpected challenge, then they will find another lift which will take them to the real gold room, and thus ends the level. Huzzah!

I'm very excited to start translating this level over to unreal, and am interested to see what works and what doesn't work and the changes which will accompany that. Definitely looking forward to the near future! As always, thanks for reading.

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