Monday, February 1, 2016

Programming Basic Platformer Traps in Blueprint

Hey everybody! Been hard at work learning how to make some awesome stuff with Blueprint in Unreal 4. Our latest task in Programming class was to make a Thwomp-like spiky death trap for our platformers!

After figuring out the ins and outs of getting such a thing to function within my level, I created a series of challenges to test out the guy. Check it all out in the video below!

I find programming in Blueprint to be a lot of fun! This trap combined a lot of the concepts we had learned previously in class as well as introducing some new ones. In addition to creating a trigger box that would activate upon Grandpa Mario entering it, I programmed the "face" of the block to change colors in accordance to its movements as well as making the camera shake upon impact. Some of it was a little challenging to grasp at first, but I enjoyed figuring it out and am excited for what's to come.

You can check out the finished and commented blueprint below! (Though you might have to click on it to see all the juicy deets.)

Anyways, that about wraps it all up for this one. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. hello i am interested in obtaining ringring college of art and design game art and i was wondering if could criquique my work before i submit portfolio for admission thank you !
    here is original game idea created by myself thanx for ur time xD !
