Monday, February 22, 2016

Exploring Particles!

For the past week, I've been messing with particles for the first time... well, ever! They're awesome!

Most of the time I've spent following Zak Parrish's tutorials for Cascade in UE4 on Youtube (which, by the way, are totally awesome and you should check them out if you're also new to particles). However, after going through a bunch of those, I thought it would be high time to test out my own skills with something a bit more advanced.

For my racing level, I'm planning on including a variety of particle effects, ranging from fire to steam, dust to smoke. Doing a little bit of reasearch for each one, I deducted that the most complicated of them all would be the fire. Perfect! I found my starting point. In the video below, you'll see that a gentleman has set up a prime example of what I'd like to reproduce inside of UE4.

See? Fire is cool! Particles are cool! What happens when we combine the two? How do we combine the two? Well, the folks over at ImbueFX have provided a great free tutorial on how do do such a thing.

I used this tutorial as a guide as well as examining some of the already existing fire effects in UE4's libraries to make my own fire. It's currently a work in progress, as I haven't yet added smoke or sound effects, but so far, I'm really happy with how it's coming along! You can check it out below. Right now, it consists of the main licks of fire, combined with the embers which use the orbit function to circle around the flames in interesting variations.

Bam! There it is.

Here's how the effect currently looks in Cascade.
Here's the guts of the main flame material. Squint your eyes!
And these are the guts of the Ember material.
What's this?

And that about wraps everything up for now! I'll be sure to post the finished product when I'm all done with it. Until next time!

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