Monday, September 14, 3001

Hero Prop Ideas

by Erk

1. Dual Grappling Hooks - Grappling hooks a la Bionic Commando that you can use to grapple certain surfaces and swing around like spiderman / solve puzzles. Use to pull opponents towards you and pull them off of edges.

2. Electro Whip - Whip that delivers large jolts of electricity; Able to pick up objects which then defy gravity (because electricity) and can then be controlled by the player and flung around, while also being able to attack enemies and deliver surges of electricity to electronics.

3. Melon Blaster - A homemade machine that shoots melons of a wide variety of melons with bombs inside of them. Enemies herd around them and pick them up due to their infinite tastiness and BAM! Can also be fired directly at enemies as a regular melon grenade launcher.

4. Light Scepter - Homemade mystery staff that absorbs light energy surrounding the player, illuminating itself and charging up a powerful laser blast. Can be used to power other devices or defeat DARK ENEMIES.

5. Hula Hoop Blade - Hula hoop blade that can be thrown and returned to the player or used as a melee weapon in close quarters by means of hula dancing. Can cut ropes as well.

6. The Beehive Backpack - A sacred beehive connected to a supercharged leafblower that blows Africanized bees at different targets. Bees also work as slaves and can complete tasks for players.

7. Lance Pickelhaube - A German Pickelhaube helmet that has been purposed with an awlpike which spins like a drill. The wearer uses their incredible strength to shiskebab enemies on the helm, then fling them at different targets. The more enemies you obtain on the awlpike, the more damage they do when they are flung.

8. Boomba - A Roomba robot with bombs and a camera attached to it. Can play cool music to attract cool bad guys and BAM! Kaboomba.

9. Charger Shield - Giant hoplite shield that flings the player in whatever distance they are looking at. Can be used to reach far places, high places, and take out enemies. Also deflects bullets and projectiles to the direction that the player is aiming.

10. Record Player of Infinite Power - Device which uses different records / albums to change properties of the record player. First album (Rap album) spits fire out of the loudspeaker, second album (Smooth Jazz Album) puts enemies to sleep, third album (Electro Album) makes you jump really high and move super fast.

11. Flail with Sticky Spikes - Flail that can be used to bring down large structures by embedding itself in them and being pulled. Can also take out enemies.

12. Windows 98 - Mobile computer kit that can be used to send physical emails, files, desktop icons, and errors out at opponents as well as being able to hack into different systems. Player must interact with PC to run different commands which have different effects.

13. Homemade DaVinci Flight Kit - Player can use the wings to glide to different areas. Ability to drop bombs as well from the glider. Player can take flight by gathering enough speed and jumping, jumping off of a high platform, or jumping over an updraft.

14. Jet Pack Flamethrower - Jetpack that can shoot out a large stream of flames from it when the user flies it. Can be aimed around to take out enemies, but player flies in opposite direction of where it is aimed. Optional music soundtrack (Ride of the Valkyries).

15. Charge Canon - An electric gun that fires arcs of electricity. Firing without charge targets a single enemy, while charging it up and firing will cause a larger, more damaging burst of electricity that will chain together between multiple enemies.

16. Ice Manipulator - Weapon that shoots shards of ice that fragment shatter and deflect into multiple shards upon impact on a hard surface. Can also be used to freeze ice blocks and water and/or create ice sleds that can be ridden down a sloped surface.

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