Friday, August 28, 2015

Photobashing and Pitching Concepts

This week was fun! We had to come up with an original idea for a game environment, create a piece of concept art depicting that environment using photobashing techniques, and incorporate that into a slideshow that we would pitch to our class.

I chose the idea of a frozen over, ice age era Venice.

I had a lot of fun with this one! For a first time photobash, I was pretty glad with how it came out overall. Looking back on it, I almost wished that I had broken away from the whole idea of accurately depicting Venice. However, this was a realization I came to near the end of the development of this piece. In addition, the scene may have overall benefitted if, perhaps, there were two enormous glaciers, meeting together and crushing whatever city lied between them. That would make for some cool geography!

After all the thing's I've learned from doing this, I'm very excited to try my hand at photobashing once again.

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